About Us

Meet the team behind Just Imagine

Just Imagine gives kids access to a whole range of worlds where they can take on any role they want. From the sky to the sea, a science lab to the supermarket, kids can use their imaginations to be whoever they want to be with a whole range of environments to choose from.

A change from the many soft play options around, Just Imagine is a space for kids from pre-school to primary school age to create their own worlds through play.

With a background in education and experience of running pre-school classes, owner Clare Reason makes sure every aspect of Just Imagine lives up to her high standards – including safety and cleanliness, looking after our environment and having as much fun as possible!

Grown-ups can enjoy the calmer atmosphere while enjoying a nice coffee and cake, with options for those with dietary restrictions.

All this while knowing that the kids are improving their vocabulary, learning to work with others and using their imaginations, all while having fun!

Our Team

The wonderful people behind Just Imagine
Clare Reason

Clare worked for a number of years in outdoor centres, summer camps and as a swimming teacher before getting her PGCE. She taught science and PE up to A level for a year before switching to primary education.

Alan Reason

Al has worked for over 20 years teaching both children and adults outdoor activities. He has also worked as a teaching assistant in a special school.

We offer a range of swimming lessons from; Parent and Baby, Pre-School, After School lessons, 1-1 lessons for Adults and Children and school swimming.

Contact Info

© 2024 Paulton Pool. All Right Reserved.

Paulton Pool will be closed between Saturday 3rd August at 1pm until the 1st September.
We will Re open at 6.25am on the 2nd September.
Clare Reason

Clare worked for a number of years in outdoor centres, summer camps and as a swimming teacher before getting her PGCE. She taught science and PE up to A level for a year before switching to primary education. From there, Clare made the move into special education and spent about 8 years teaching children with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. After having her first child, she decided to leave teaching behind and work for herself, spending 5 years running a multi-sensory franchise for toddlers.

The idea for Just Imagine was born after spending countless afternoons in busy, noisy soft play centres, trying to work out which child was crying, where they were and what had happened to them. The idea is to provide a safe and calm environment for children to play in while parents can relax and catch up with friends, while still being able to keep an eye on them. As a former teacher Clare understands the need for children to have the opportunity to develop their imaginations. Imaginiative play is vital to enhance their language skills, to increase their social skills, their confidence and their knowledge of the world.

Alan Reason

Al has worked for over 20 years teaching both children and adults outdoor activities. He has also worked as a teaching assistant in a special school. For the past 5 years he has both continued to work in a freelance capacity as an outdoor instructor as well working with Clare to run their franchise. Most recently he has been working hard to create most of the scenery here at Just Imagine and no doubt will put his extensive fancy dress skills to good use too.

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